


Graphic Design is communication.

Design has to to look good, get people’s attention, be memorized, excite, make people fall in love.
But that’s not everything. Because design is communication.

Design is only as good as the strategy behind it.
Therefore, a profound understanding of your world (your company, your brand, your message, your client) is the first step in my projects and processes.
Guiding you step by step to the perfect result, I place the right questions in the right moment and help you answer them, without ever loosing the big picture out of sight.

Because only who knows WHAT they want to say and TO WHOM, knows HOW to say it to generate the desired effect. This is effective communication.

Is your message young, funny, serious, wild, professional, personal, self secure, quiet?
If you need someone to traduce your message visually into a language that suits you and that is understood by your target, you found what you were looking for.

Depending on what is communicated, the projects can have different names:
– Branding
– Brad development
– Logo development
– Corporate Visual Identity (CI)
– Naming
– Poster design
– Campagne
– Packaging
– Editorial Design
– Layout
– Concept design
– Webdesign
– Wayfinding Design

… print and digital.
… in German, Spanish and English.

portrait_anna Schimpf

I’m Anna Schimpf. I’m a freelance graphic designer and photographer living and working between Germany, the Basque Country, Spain and the rest of the world.

I’m a communication designer with all my heart.
In my work, I merge all the best of my “germanness” – order, organization and logic – with the unleashed craziness of creativity. With those two facets in an harmonious balance, I create innovative, creative and well structured designs and processes.
My academic roots are in the science of psychology, which I use in graphic communication since 2015. Since 2016, I have applied and expanded mi knowledge stemming from my formation in Graphic design and a Master’s degree in Digital Graphic design in numerous projects as an independent graphic designer.
I especially focus on a good communication of my designs towards their target as well as with my clients during a project.
Thanks to my yearlong life in Spain and the Basque country, where I also built up my design-education, I am specialized on communication in the Spanish-speaking area and intercultural communication between Germany and Spain. I have also worked with clients from the United States.